Saturday, May 23, 2009

There's always a first!

Hey, all.

I'm here at home with the H1N1 flu. Well, I'm not sure if it is specifically the H1N1, but here I am, with the flu. Actually, I'm on the upswing of it.

The worse part is over (I hope). I want to go out and watch the NBA playoffs with a pizza and a beer, but I'm stuck here on the couch. Could be worse.

I just found out about Razz. So quick. We are all going to miss him (see his tribute). In a way, he's inspired me to finally start this blog.

I've had it configured, but never did anything with it. Now I think it is time. Don't know what I'm going to write about, my life is pretty boring.

Hell, I'm here trying to write about it and I'm bored. Anyway, it's a start.

1 comment:

cvn70 said...


razz was a nice guy. hope you are feeling better. welcome to the community, take care and be safe
